
Sorceress diablo 2 build
Sorceress diablo 2 build

sorceress diablo 2 build

Devouring Blaze increases your critical strike damage against Burning enemies, plus even further when they are Immobilized, while Crippling Flames gives a chance for your Pyromancy skills to Immobilize enemies. With the enhanced Teleport, there's a 0.5 second cooldown reduction for every enemy you hit.įor Passives, you'll want a point in Inner Flames to unlock the nodes behind it, which you should then max out. Teleport: You can turn yourself into a lightning bolt and travel to a target location to deal damage.Meteor: With Meteor, you can launch a strike on a wide area and burn the target location, and with enhanced, there's a 30% chance for extra meteors to fall on the same location if you hit three or more enemies.You can spawn a fiery serpent that burns all enemies in an area for eight seconds, continuously pulls enemies toward its centre, and allows spells to be cast with no mana cost when active. Inferno: This is sort of like the Hydra's big bad brother.It gets better: the enhanced version can grow an additional head as long as you have more than 80% of your health. Hydra: With this skill, you'll be able to summon a three-headed hydra that spits fire.It's useful in a group but better one-on-one with the high single-target damage it offers. Chain Lightning: This chains up a lightning spell between enemies up to six times, with a +3% crit chance when enhanced.

sorceress diablo 2 build

Its enhanced version pierces through burning enemies. Fire Bolt: Again, another skill definitely worth investing in early on as it throws a flaming bolt that not only deals damage, it also applies a burning DoT.

Sorceress diablo 2 build